With a combined sample size of approximately 12,000 participants, the 9 NIDA-funded cohorts are addressing high priority research on HIV/AIDS in the context of substance misuse.

Institution Primary Population Year Started Principal Investigator

ACCESS University of British Columbia IDU 2005 Dr. M-J Milloy

ALIVE Johns Hopkins University PWID, African-Americans, and disengaged from care 1988 Greg Kirk Shruti Mehta

Heart Study University of Maryland African-Americans 2004 Shenghan Lai

HYM Children's Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) 2015 Michele Kipke

JHHCC Johns Hopkins University IDU 1989 Richard Moore

MASH Florida International University African American and Latina/Hispanic 2002 Marianna Baum

mSTUDY University of California, Los Angeles MMSM 2013 Pamina Gorbach

RADAR Northwestern University Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM) 2014 Brian Mustanski

V-DUS University of British Columbia Youth, IDU 1996 (VIDUS), 2005 (ARYS) Kora DeBeck Kanna Hayashi